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There are added scenes in the sex scene between Frank and Jane (like a gas pump put into a car's gas entrance).

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One involves Frank yanking a Cuban cigar out of the Cuban ambassador's mouth and yelling at him about supporting Cubans, and another involves him mistaking Winnie Mandela for being in the groups Martha & The Vandellas and The Chiffons. At the beginning at the presidential dinner before the lobster scene, there are 2 scenes added.At the scene at the dinner at the end, when Nordberg plays the guitar and the old lady tosses him the keys, there is a scene with him walking off and tossing the keys to President Bush.When Frank falls through the glass and is captured by the pollution group, Quentin goes through a detailed explanation of how he'll be torturing Frank before killing him.In the bar scene, Ed and Frank discuss the various girls Frank went out with while trying to forget about Jane.As he runs out he notices a sign telling how long the research area went without problems. In the TV version, green ooze explodes from the machine, Jane asks where Frank's hat is, and then Frank runs out while the green ooze pours out the door. Meinheimer are in the building that blew up at the beginning, and they walk through the research area where he drops his hat, the scene ends in the movie version with Jane walking away with the Quentin Hapsburg, and Frank standing there. Right after that, Jane then says "I'm making a Protein Shake".

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At one point a mailbag flies in the room into Frank's arms. It is established that Jane lives near a railway station. He soon enters a room with a window open and a lot of wind starts coming in. Frank starts walking around her place and commenting on how nice it is.

  • When Frank goes to Jane's apartment with the flowers(which are now stems), they change the scene completely at this point.
  • Then he spots an actual key which he starts turning and the tank starts idling.
  • Right after Frank says "Just keep him (Hector Savage) busy" and shuts the lid of the tank he's driving, he starts looking at the controls trying to decide which ones to use and which ones not to use.
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    After Frank tells Ed "No not right now, we've got work to do", we see a new scene of Frank, Ed, and Nordberg walking out of the station and passing the Mayor looking sadly at her now hardened cement covered car along with a construction worker trying to break it off with a jackhammer.There is a continuation of the scene in which Frank accidentally bumps into the cement truck and the truck starts dumping it's contents in another car.On the TV version, many scenes are added:

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