Tuple index out of range
Tuple index out of range

tuple index out of range tuple index out of range

The script I'm using imports openpyxl and pptx and runs fine when I use Pycharm or run the script using the command window. I'm currently trying to make an executable using py2exe. This is the setup file that I used and I got msi file on dist folder. My app is based on wxPython, windows 10, python 3.6, cx_freeze 5.5.1 I had same problem, as workaround I used cx_freeze. Use can use -w to if you want to remove console display for GUI's. Use -F to place all generated files in one executable file. This will create a subdirectory called dist with the yourprogram.exe contained in a folder called yourprogram. The solution I used was to use PyInstaller as an alternative because Py2Exe stopped development at python 3.4 and will not work with newer versions. Also Version has dropped support for python 3.5 or less PyInstaller or cx_Freeze can be used as an alternative.

tuple index out of range

Update (): As has said in his update py2exe lives.

tuple index out of range

I think it's safe to say the project is abandoned find other options, e.g. Update: At this point (November 2019), it's been over five years since the last py2exe release, and by the beginning of 2020 (when Python 2 support lapses completely), it will not run on any supported version of Python (3.4 is already out of support). The bytecode often changes in small ways from version to version that could break even Python 3.5 (given only 3.3 and 3.4 support is claimed explicitly), but 3.6 is 100% guaranteed to fail. The failure you're seeing occurs in py2exe opcode parsing code, which, given the most recent posted version of py2exe only claims support for 3.3 and 3.4, could not possibly have knowledge of, or support for, the new wordcode opcodes they hadn't even been conceived of at the time py2exe was last updated. Python 3.6 completely redesigned the bytecode for CPython (it's not a "byte" code at all anymore, it's a wordcode, where all opcodes are two bytes wide instead of 1-3). Original Answer before py2exe 0.10 release As long as you upgrade to an appropriate py2exe version ( 0.10 and higher), this problem should not occur. py2exe released new versions in October and November of 2020, supporting 3.5-3.8 in and adding 3.9 support in (dropping support for 3.4 and earlier). Apparently my pessimism a year ago (see "Update" at bottom of original post) was unwarranted.

Tuple index out of range